Life Coaching

"Make Life Beautiful"
Online coaching with Ingrid Ann

"He has made everything beautiful in its time; He has also set eternity in the hearts of men."
-Ecclesiastes 3:11

There is greatness in each of us. Deep down, we know there must be more to life than what we have seen and experienced. Unfortunately, circumstances and the brokenness of those around us leave us feeling without support or direction. We may have dreams, but no one has called them out or given us permission to pursue them. A safe, non-biased person is often needed in order to be able to express how we truly feel and what we really want, together in God's presence. 

Identity and Life Purpose Coaching

Become confident in who you are in Christ, and uncover your gifts, talents, values, dreams, and goals so that you can run towards them.

Life Balance Coaching

Determine which areas of your life are out of balance and realign them so that you can become all God created you to be.

Boundaries Coaching

Define boundaries in every area of your life so that you can be healthy, whole, and flourish as you walk on God's intended path for you.

Hello, I'm Ingrid! I am a teacher and Biblical life coach who loves helping young people find their path and confidence in who they are. I understand what it is like to struggle with identity, and I know how it feels to need support and encouragement that comes from a place outside one's inner circle. It is often difficult to talk to a family member, friend, or even a pastor about our deepest struggles. If you are struggling in your journey, I can walk alongside you prayerfully and purposefully as you discover the path God has for you and begin to step into your unique calling in Christ.

About Ingrid image

Please reach out for more information and to schedule a free consultation.